Thursday 3 May 2018

How to fix Google Maps battery draining issue- Tech News

Smartphone technology has evolved over the past few years with devices now offering faster and more powerful performance. While surfing the web, running apps, streaming content have become fluid, battery life is still a perennial issue that lets you enjoy the goodies only for a few hours (if you are a heavy user). Apps running in the background is one such reason that reduces the battery juice bit by bit and causing the smartphone battery to last less than a day. Google Maps, which is an important app plugged in every Android handset, is attributed to be one among those that chug a good share of your smartphone’s battery. You cannot entirely blame the app for draining the battery, Google Maps require excessive amount of data and processing power to render accurate details, information and show the location that you are looking for. But there are simple tricks that you can follow to save Google Maps from draining your device battery at will.

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