Thursday 3 May 2018

The Walmart-Flipkart deal: wearing a raincoat to beat a tsunami- Business News

The big day is here. Retail giant Walmart is readying a war chest to acquire Flipkart, a Singapore-headquartered ‘not-for-profit’ ecommerce firm currently controlled by funds from the United States, Russia, China, Japan and South Africa. And India is celebrating with high-fives. Here’s why.
Over the past decade, Flipkart and other e-commerce start-ups raised billions of dollars, offered unsustainable discounts to acquire customers while brutally elbowing out other less-funded local competitors to become the undisputed leaders in gross merchandise value and financial losses. Unfortunately for them, Amazon, the gold standard in e-commerce, armed with superior technology, stronger brand, operational excellence and access to huge funds, entered the scene. This created a problem for the investors who suddenly saw huge potential exits transforming into irrelevance (Snapdeal, Jabong) and, specifically, Flipkart moving from industry numero uno to number two in a two-horse race. Or, in other words, last.
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