Monday 16 April 2018

Oscar-winning 'Cuckoo's Nest' Director Milos Forman Dies At 86- Film News

Oscar-winning Czech-born film director Milos Forman, known for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Amadeus, has died aged 86, Czech media said on Saturday. The CTK news agency quoted his wife Martina as saying Forman, who lived in the United States, died suddenly on Friday after a short illness. "He passed away quietly, surrounded by his family and his closest people," she said.

Born in the town of Caslav east of Prague on February 18, 1932, Forman lost both parents in Nazi concentration camps. In the 1960s, he joined the New Wave of filmmakers standing up against the Communist regime in former Czechoslovakia, making himself famous with Black PeterLoves of a Blondeand The Firemen's Ball.

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