Thursday 17 May 2018

North Korea backs away from Singapore summit with Trump, says US is cornering it- International News

WASHINGTON: North Korea warned on Wednesday that it would bail out of a scheduled June 12 summit between its leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump if Washington attempted to corner Pyongyang with unilateral denuclearization demands and continued its military drills with South Korea that it sees as part of an existential threat.

The North Korean backsliding, apparently in response to aggressive US talk on the need for "complete verifiable irreversible denuclearization" by Pyongyang before Washington eased any pressure, put the Singapore summit on skids, suggesting the celebratory commentary about bringing the reclusive communist regime to heel is premature.

US commentators of conservative hue had gone overboard with Trump’s diplomatic triumph in engaging North Korea, but the quixotic country provided a stark reminder that it was not about to roll over in a one-sided capitulation that much of the world read into its decision to engage directly with the US. Apparently, North Korea has demands too from the US and South Korea.

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