Thursday 24 May 2018

World's most 'powerful man' and his iPhones- Special News

NEW DELHI: It’s not really breaking news -- or as he himself would call -- or fake news that Donald Trump loves to tweet. A lot. However, what does come as a surprise – or two -- is that the president of United States of America uses an iPhone to do so. According to a news report by Politico, Trump has two Apple iPhones – one just to make calls while the other he uses to tweet. The first surprise is that the iPhone, according to the Politico report, which Trump uses to tweet hasn’t been equipped with the highest security features. The Politico quotes senior officials at The White House who reportedly said that the president finds it “inconvenient” to go through the security clearances. For the uninitiated, all US presidents are supposed to give in their phones every 30 days for examining social risks. Trump allegedly hasn’t done so.

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